jan hus bahasa Inggris
- 6 Jul - Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Jan Hus
6 Juli - HUT Kemartiran Jan Hus - For the execution of Jan Hus in 1415 (18 December 1999 in Prague).
Atas eksekusi Jan Hus pada 1415 (18 Desember 1999 di Praha). - The conclave condemned Jan Hus, who was executed by burning in spite of a promise of safe-conduct.
Konklaf mengutuk Jan Hus yang dihukum mati, padahal ia datang dengan jaminan keamanan. - Jan Hus and his followers had advocated a more severe system of penance, in which indulgences were not available.
Jan Hus dan para pengikutnya pernah mengadvokasikan suatu sistem penitensi atau silih yang lebih berat, yang di dalamnya tidak tersedia indulgensi. - For this, Eck branded Luther a new Jan Hus, referring to the Czech reformer and heretic burned at the stake in 1415.
Akibatnya, Eck memberi Luther stigma seorang Jan Hus baru, mengacu pada penganut bidah dan reformis Ceko yang dihukum bakar pada 1415. - The first of a series of disruptive and new perspectives came from John Wycliffe at Oxford University, then from Jan Hus at the University of Prague.
Salah satu perspektif yang paling menghancurkan dan radikal pertama-tama muncul dari John Wyclif di Universitas Oxford, kemudian dari Jan Hus di Universitas Praha. - The reforms were largely directed against John Wycliffe, mentioned in the opening session and condemned in the eighth on 4 May 1415, and Jan Hus, along with their followers.
Pembaruan-pembaruan ini umumnya ditujukan untuk melawan John Wyclif yang disebutkan dalam sesi pembukaan, dan dikutuk pada sesi kedelapan, 4 Mei 1415 dan Jan Hus serta pengikut-pengikut mereka. - He had to deal with the Hussite movement, a religious reformist group that was born in Bohemia, and he presided at the Council of Constance, where the theologist founder Jan Hus, was judged.
Ia harus berurusan dengan pergerakan Husité, kelompok reformis agama yang lahir di Bohemia, dan ia memimpin Konsili Konstanz, dimana pendiri teologis Jan Hus diadili. - In Bohemia, a movement in the early 15th century by Jan Hus called the Hussites defied Roman Catholic dogma and still exists to this day (alternately known as the Moravian Church).
Di Bohemia, suatu gerakan pada awal abad ke-15 oleh Jan Hus yang disebut kaum Hussit menolak dogma Katolik Roma dan masih ada hingga sekarang (juga dikenal sebagai kelompok Moravian). - At his trial in 1415, Jan Hus argued that the Church does not necessarily need a pope, because, during the pontificate of "Pope Agnes" (as he also called her), it got on quite well.
Dalam pengadilan pada tahun 1415, Jan Hus berargumen bahwa Gereja sebetulnya tidak memerlukan seorang Paus, apalagi dalam masa "Paus Agnes" (demikian Hus menyebut namanya), Gereja berjalan dengan cukup baik.